Know More About The Program

Universitas Dian Nuswantoro dedicates itself to helping the country in increasing Gross Participation Number of Higher Education by offering the Doctor in Management Study program with an operational permit based on the decree of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology.


Prof. Dr. AMRON

Head of the Study Program

Welcoming Speech

Welcome to the Doctoral of Management (Ph.D) Program (S3)

The Doctor of Management (Ph.D) Program targets lecturers, researchers, practitioners, business people/entrepreneurs from various agencies, companies, universities, research institutes or other institutions to be educated to become a doctor who has the ability in the field of management based on technopreneur and digital business as well as global insight.

The Doctor of Management (Ph.D) Program at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro answers the community’s demands for global development conditions which are marked by social developments that are influenced directly or indirectly by utilizing technology, telecommunications, and transportation. To deal with this social phenomenon, Universitas Dian Nuswantoro presents a Doctor of Management Program which is expected to provide solutions for thinkers and researchers in an effort to find various breakthroughs in the field of management that are needed by the wider community.

May Allah SWT always guide us all.  Amien.











"To be a prominent doctor in management program that becomes an excellent center for management and entrepreneurship study based on digital business with global perspectives."

Visi Besar


  • Offer doctor in management education program in the field of technopreneurship management and digital marketing with the support of professional human resources and excellent facilities with global perspectives.
  • Organize research activities in the field of management and entrepreneurship that contributes to the nation’s competitiveness on an international level.
  • Arrange community service programs that are beneficial for the people by taking advantage of high quality research with sustainable information technology support.
  • Organize partnerships with industries, governments and other institutions to improve student quality, lecturers and organization at national and international level.
  • Organize the study program with excellent governance and global perspectives.


  • Menghasilkan lulusan doktor manajemen yang berkualitas dan unggul yang berwawasan global.
  • Menghasilkan karya/produk inovatif melalui riset dibidang manajemen dan bisnis berbasis digital baik nasional maupun internasional.
  • Menghasilkan karya ilmiah/ produk inovatif yang bermanfaat dan diaplikasikan oleh masyarakat luas.
  • Tercipta tata kelola program studi yang kredibel, akuntabel, bertanggung jawab, transparan, berkeadilan dan terintegrasi.


lecturers, researchers, practitioners from various institutions, universities and research organizations in Indonesia

Graduates will have competitive characteristics and contribute to their respective academic field by producing reputable publication in international journals

Ready to join us?
